This & That

What is your favorite season?

Maybe it is something that happens with age – that one starts reminiscing about life. But the older I get the more I see that there are seasons ones goes through in life. I have three friends that have each lost a parent this past month and I cannot even imaging how hard it must be for them. Death is a definitely a form of trauma and I can see the steps and struggles that forms part of the process to make sense of it all.

I used to love Spring time the most – signs of new life and promise everywhere but have found myself starting to find comfort in the winter times. A good friend of mine said that ‘A tree does not stop growing in winter, it grows in strength not in height’.

Elli-Nicole dress captured by carike Ridout Photography

Each of us has our own story to tell, we all have that something that we struggle with or go through that ends up shaping us or changing us in ways. My life changed in a million ways after the birth of the princess where I was confronted with death. In some ways the trauma of this experience has changed my thoughts and the way that I perceive things. I have realised that people are placed in your life (or maybe just for a season in your life) for a reason. Be grateful for each of them and celebrate the time that you get to spend with them for that season.

Elli-Nicole dress captured by carike Ridout Photography
Elli-Nicole dress captured by carike Ridout Photography
Elli-Nicole dress captured by carike Ridout Photography

Take loads of photos and make sure that you have photos of yourself that you can be proud of – some where you get to feel beautiful and treasured. I was fortunate to have people who care for me be part of this autumn shoot we did a year ago (and I never posted). Wedding dress designed Elli-Nicole made me a special dress as gift for my first Earthday celebration. Make-up by Monique did my hair and make-up for this special day and Carike Ridout took some pretty awesome photos.

Thank you to Mika Collection for allowing us to use their pretty rings.

Mika Collection rings
Mika Collection rings

What is your favorite season and why?

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Karen Kelly is the founder and editor of She is a creative at heart and passionate about all things DIY. Learn more about her here and connect with her on social media on the links below.

1 Comment

  1. Elizabeth-Lee Glaubitz

    I enjoy all the seasons because each one (just like friends) bring something special and a unique opportunity to experience something different. Here in the Netherlands, for example, we have a very big difference in the amount of daylight we are exposed to. So in Spring/Summer when it is still light till after 10pm we enjoy lazy long evenings and the beautiful view of the trees from our bedroom (although getting the kids to bed can be somewhat difficult). And in winter when it is dark from just after 16h00 we put on the candles, enjoy romantic walks where everything looks different with the cozy light shining from the houses. Working with the seasons and not against it makes it all more enjoyable.

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